Friday, February 02, 2007


This is Siena, which is full of hills! The city streets go up and down giving you the oppurtunity to get some excersise. Piazzo di Campo is the picture with the big and in the summer there is a huge horse race where 10 of the 17 districts of Siena represent by racing a horse. During the actual horse race the whole square is filled with tons of people packed together. The accounts of the race sounds very exciting yet claustrophobic at the same time. I had a fun time wondering around this city, the gothic cathedral is of course amazing and big we were not able to go inside but on the floor of the cathedral there is a zodiac circle.


Torific said...

hey emilee! remember me from chem class last year? i know, not the best of memories. how's life? i'm not sure how to add you to my space. way to have a blog. i like those.

Terra Schwartz said...

wow.. your hair is getting long chica! q guapa eres!